When launching their new website to the global leader in the website development sector, with over 25 staff. At the start of 2022, were ready to launch website but faced a recognizable challenge: how to keep clients engaged within the website?
Helping a website development agency design its brand identity, visual communication system, and website. A single cross-platform application with a harmonized UX flow that helps people to get their projects done.
Previously, DevsNest had a website but it had no visual identity and there was no way to engage users. Users could only view the general information of the company; the website has no feature to order upfront and connect project managers directly from the website.
It was a bit challenging to come up with a solution to make interaction with both users & project managers on the same platform.
The goal was to make the website user-friendly and give users a feature to order upfront. The new user journey will be very much effective for both the clients & the project managers. The dashboard & interactive messaging interface will be helping along the way.
The overall design of the website is giving a wonderful vibe. The color & interactive buttons will take the users to the point where they can fulfill their wishes.

Primary #2966F3 |
SCSS var $N/A |
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R 41 G 102 B 242 |
Brand Blue
Secondary #FD3946 |
SCSS var $N/A |
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R 253 G 57 B 70 |
Brand Red
Black #111013 |
SCSS var $N/A |
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R 17 G 16 B 19 |
Moonlight Black
Isabelline #F2F0EC |
SCSS var $N/A |
◯ |
R 242 G 240 B 236 |
DM Sans
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
DM Sans
SF Pro Display
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.